Natural Remedies for Mastitis (that work quickly!)

How I got rid of mastitis naturally in 24 hours without antibiotics

updated from Dec 2022



There are some great natural ways to treat mastitis, and they are really effective if you get on to them quickly. 


 The first and only time I had mastitis was with my first daughter Honey and I felt like it came out of nowhere – which it often does.

One minute you’re feeling so-so, but by that night your breast is on fire, you’ve got the chills and feeding your little bubba can be a toe-curling-hold-your-breath-as-they-latch painful experience. 

The real kicker is that you need to keep breastfeeding to release the blocked duct. It is just really not a nice experience at all so anything I can share to help you kick it quickly, I’m here for it!

 These are the exact natural remedies that I used to get rid of mastitis without antibiotics, the worst of it within 24hours and by the two day mark I felt back to myself.

The key is to get into these as soon as you feel any symptoms come on (especially number 1).

If your symptoms persist you should seek professional advice as mastitis can turn into a serious condition. Always listen to your body! 



Mastitis is inflammation of the breast that is usually a result of a build-up of milk (milk stasis) or a blocked milk duct. This is common in the first 3-6 months while you are establishing milk supply and you and baby are learning the art of breastfeeding. 

If there’s an issue with baby’s latch, suck or irregular feedings, these can all contribute to a build-up of milk.

The breastmilk can also sometimes become infected with bacteria, entering through cracked nipples (ouch!) causing mastitis.

I personally found I had some issues when little baby Honey would go through periods of feeding more frequently (because of teething, a leap etc), then going back to regular feeds. 

I would get a build-up of milk because my supply had increased to meet the demand, but then had too much because it wasn’t being drained as regularly = blocked milk duct.


3 Natural Remedies for Mastitis


1. Probiotics

Specifically Qiara Breastfeeding Probiotics, these are gold. While I would recommend you take any good quality probiotic while breastfeeding, this one is specific for healthy breastfeeding and clinically proven to treat mastitis.

It worked wonders for me and everyone I have recommended it to. It literally stops mastitis in its tracks, especially when taken straight away. 

The probiotic strain is cultured from healthy human breastmilk so the strain is specific to preventing and treating infection related to breasts.

Honestly this is the number 1 thing I would recommend for all breastfeeding mothers.

 How to take: Try and take this for the first 3 months post partum or at least keep in your fridge to take if you start feeling mastitis coming on or run down. Take 2 sachets during acute mastitis. You can buy them in some health food stores and pharmacys, or from their website here 


I would also recommend taking a multi strain probiotic (starting from pregnancy). Reason being, your gut is the cornerstone of your immune system with 80% of your immune tissue situated in your digestive tract! 

If you don’t have a thriving population of healthy gut flora, your immune system will be affected and open to infection.

New mums (as well as mums in general) need to pay special attention to their gut health because things like lack of sleep, antibiotics and medications (if you had to take during pregnancy or labour) and stress all deplete your healthy gut bacteria meaning you’re more susceptible to a weakened immune system.

Taking probiotics and eating a diet that promotes a healthy gut will build up your immune system and help to prevent future cases of mastitis and sickness in general.


How to take: choose a quality probiotic that has at least 30billion CFU and a variety of different strains.. 


2. Echinacea

Echinacea is a wonder herb for the immune system. It is a great natural remedy for mastitis as it helps to clear infection, inflammation and stimulate a healthy immune response.


How to take: You can get a herbal tincture or get a tablet with a formulation of Echinacea, zinc and vitamin c which are also fantastic immune boosting nutrients your body will love – see below. .


3. Vitamin C and Zinc

These two nutrients downgrade inflammation and give the immune system huge support. If you’re getting sick often (mastitis or other) zinc is a great supplement to help you get on track. Many mothers are low in zinc and breastfeeding increases your needs for zinc. 

How to take: minimum 20g of elemental zinc (picolinate, glycinate ) and upwards of 80g per day under the guidance of a health practitioner. 

Immune Tonic Soup

This is the soup that I will make whenever I have any inkling of a weakened immune system. Which to be honest was pretty regularly in the first 8ish months postpartum (Remember how not getting quality/quantity sleep depletes your immune system!)

It is the best way to hydrate and flood your body with nourishing nutrients in an easily absorbable form. Load it with garlic, turmeric, bone broth and all the veg and you’ve got yourself a potent tonic for your immune system – just what the Naturopath ordered!. It’s also really easy to make. I will make a massive batch and just eat this throughout the whole day or two until I’m feeling better. 

Other Helpful things that help to get rid of mastitis naturally


And this is the practical stuff that you’ve likely already been told or read about. This is general stuff but is still really effective and definitely helped me with my mastitis:

Boob massage in a warm shower: (it’s not as nice as it sounds). You have to help your breast drain the milk build up. You’ll have a hard boob so it will be painful, but I found it also offers a lot of release. Kind of like a deep tissue massage or reflexology – it’s a good pain cos you know it’s doing something.


Here’s an example:




Keep feeding bubby: I know the thought of having your baby vacuum your sore nipple into its mouth is enough to make you cry, but try and push through it mama. The suction part is the worst then it will actually start to feel better as the milk starts draining.


A good natural nipple cream: If your nipples are cracked, a soothing nipple cream can help. I used the weleda brand which has calendula (very soothing and anti-inflammatory) and is all natural based.


REST (and fluids): I know this is really hard to do (not because you don’t want to but because you have a tiny human to look after!). My husband Jake was away the night of the one time I got mastitis quite badly and thankfully Honey was still little enough that she slept most of the time (gotta love that newborn phase). And luckily I didn’t have a toddler to run around after….

Get a family member, partner or friend to make the soup for you or at least get the ingredients for you. In my dillusional state I would just dump everything in the pot or rice cooker and barely even cut anything up (it all mashes together anyway).   


Preventing Mastitis Naturally

Besides trying to keep your breasts regularly drained either through breastfeeding or pumping, a couple other considerations that can help to prevent future bouts of mastitis are:


Looking after your gut health

We need a healthy microbiome to protect from and fight off infection, and that includes infection in your breasts. Besides taking a quality probiotic and/or including fermented foods in your diet, it also helps reducing inflammatory foods like gluten and sugar. 

You don’t have to completely eliminate them if you don’t have a problem with them, but be mindful that they do have a negative impact on gut health (and the immune system). As does lack of sleep, medications and alcohol. 

Qiara probiotics have been shown to clinically prevent mastitis so it can be worth taking in the first few months postpartum (I only took daily for 3 months alongside another multi strained probiotic – if I’d continued with it daily I might have prevented it? Good one to keep at all times anyway).


Try to be aware of the warning signs you’re getting run down

You almost have to be able to read your body before it enters into the pre-mastitis phase. Slightly swollen glands, feeling extra fatigued or flat, sinus or throat discomfort. And if you feel any sort of issues with your breast milk, 


I hope you have found this helpful and it’s reached you in time! Spread the word to other mamas you know cos mumming is hard enough without a bout of mastitis thrown in there! 

What did you find worked for your mastitis? Share in the comments for any other mamas to read!




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