The Best Lunch for Sleep Deprived Mamas

You know the days… the ones where you’re so tired you don’t even feel like coffee or food. Your body knows the only thing that is actually going to make it feel better is sleep! 

You can see in the video I’m struggling to string my sentence together haha! But I like to show up in the realness that is motherhood – the times that are hard. 

I want to show you that there are ways of looking after yourself after an all nighter with the bub or the weeks of really broken, up-every-hour kinda nights.

They wear on me too. 

But I’ve long figured out if you have options that are simple, quick and satisfying, you’ll be able to still feed yourself some decent food and keep your energy up as much as possible. 

So here is one of my favourite lunch hacks that makes a ridiculously easy salad and makes you feel SO GOOD. 

It’s exactly what the body needs but best of all, incredibly quick to make. 

I like to make 2-3 serves so lunches are taken care of for those days. 

Of all my 5 min lunches, this one is particularly good to save because you don’t need to have a lot of ingredients on hand (who wants to food shop when they haven’t slept right?) just a few staples. Add in whatever veggies you’ve got on hand. 

About here is probably a nice place to put a reminder:

This too shall pass! Seasons of sleep deprivation are really tough but they don’t last forever. Being conscious about looking after YOU  during those times is just as important as making sure bubba is well comforted. 

For more tips on coping with sleep deprivation see here…..



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