I used to make this back when Honey was a baby, first as a ‘custard’ just by pureeing or mashing ingredients then warming it (it looks like custard but doesn’t taste like it haha!) and then moved onto the good old banana pancake.
She loved both versions and now so does Olive which is great because they’re SO easy to make and I know it’s got all the essential nutrients for a balanced baby meal.
I personally like to do a combination of purees and baby led weaning as there’s benefits to both. Purees ensure your Bub is getting all the nutrition they need in an easy-to-digest form, gentle on their immature digestive systems. Baby led weaning style foods encourages healthy curiosity with food, development of motor skills and chewing.
Either way, I like to leave the egg yolks a little runny so it retains the most nutrients and also makes it quite mushy so nice and soft for baby to chew on. Do what you feel comfortable with.
Suitable for babies 6-7months+ once egg yolks have been introduced successfully. You can use the whole egg when baby is 9+months or whenever you feel comfortable introducing whites.
*One thing to note, if your bubba is getting constipated, especially with introduction of food, the mango eggs recipe is a better option. Banana can contribute to constipation if that’s already an issue whereas mango will do the opposite and keep things moving.
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I'm a Naturopath & Nutritionist who is all about making healthy eating as quick, easy and delicious as possible. Most days you'll find me in my Kitchen with my daughter Honey, designing recipes and resources to help you create beautiful healthy food while saving hours in the kitchen each week!