About Me

Hi! I’m Michala a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Mum to (nearly) 3 girls. 

4.5 years ago I found myself completely burnt out. My daughter was only a couple months old and I felt like I’d been running on adrenaline ever since she was born.

I felt exhausted, anxious and was constantly getting run down but I thought it was just part of being a new Mum. 

And honestly, I didn’t know how I was meant to eat healthy and look after myself when I barely had time for a shower. 

Even as a Naturopath and Nutritionist, I was struggling.

I had no ‘village’, barely even knew anyone where we lived and I remember crying every time my Mum and Dad would leave after visiting from interstate. 

It was then I realised just how much support Mums need in the early years. A completely different approach to health and how we take care of ourselves because the alternative is not good. 

I started making changes for myself and have loved seeing how it’s help so many other Mums in the same boat: 

+ Recipes so easy we can do it when we are exhausted. 

+ Food that nourish our adrenals and gut health but also makes us feel satisfied (When I had started looking for quick and easy recipes, all I could  find were recipes that were basically held together with cheese or were just super complicated).

+ A way of eating that’s actually doable so we can be consistent with it to improve our health post baby and shift the baby weight without deprivation. 

+ Knowing how to regulate our nervous system without needing a babysitter

+ And combining all this to feel less overwhelm and more enjoyment in these years!

The reason why I love this approach so much is because it completely transformed my health. Issues I’d had for my whole adult life cleared up.

And it started with my food.

My whole approach to healthy eating became about 3 things: Making it Quick, Easy and Satisfying. I never restricted how much I ate, but followed a diet geared towards nourishing my adrenals, gut health and immune system, removing inflammatory foods. 

I learnt how to create healthy muffins and slices to satisfy my sweet tooth, eating plenty of gentle carbs (rice, baked veggies), lots of healthy fats and never restricted how much I ate. 

Within a few months my health had improved to be even better than what it was before I had my daughter, I wasn’t getting sick anymore, my gut health was great and I’d lost all of my pregnancy weight and more without even thinking about it and this was all while being sleep deprived. 

Fast forward 4 years, another baby girl and another one on the way(!) and this is still exactly how I eat.

I had a really sick pregnancy again with my next 2 daughters and these recipes, methods and approach were a God Send.

I lost all the pregnancy weight again in a few months (I put on over 20kg), and being able to eat healthy when I’m exhausted and busy is a huge support to my health right now. 

This is everything I’ve rolled into the Mama Way Course (coming soon!)  so if you don’t know where to start, that’s going to have literally everything you need

There’s also plenty of free recipes, videos and advice for postpartum / mum with bubs health, just have a browse through the blog! 

So whether you’re feeling really depleted right now (helloooo postnatal depletion!) or whether you’re just looking for some inspiration, I am here to support and encourage you.

If we support ourselves properly we can be balanced, energised (well most days) and feel good about ourselves. You can thrive through the first couple of years postpartum. That doesn’t mean you won’t have off days, but overall you feel well and know that you’ve got this, because you do! 

Michala xo

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